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Finding inspiration

Inspiration. That spark, the flame, the burning passion that lives inside of you that makes you uniquely you.

It's hard to find and even harder to hold onto. A sense of longing that I know all too well. To be filled with so much passion and excitement that you can't sit still, can't wait to jump out of bed in the mornings and don't want to sleep at night - the ultimate thrill.

I used to wait for inspiration to come around. Sometimes, on a good day, I'd try to look for it. In meditation, in music, in silence, in food. But usually, I passively sat there and let life live me, getting caught up in the struggles of my daily life. Always lusting after that spark - my raison d'etre.

I had yet to find it, but I always believed that there is something bigger than us. That I have a higher calling and a message to say and the voice to say it, but it's hard to find inspiration. It comes and goes. But mainly it goes. These feelings of inspiration, the feeling of stardust, feeling the power of the universe, the vibration of the cosmos. It's hard to hold onto.

But if I had learned anything at all, it's that if you search for the inspiration in the world around you, you'll be running and searching for it forever. In the external world, we are reliant on others as the source of our Light. This puts us out of balance because it's risky. The inspiration, the stardust - it dances around and likes to play hide and seek.

The best way to find inspiration is within ourselves. And all that advice that you hear? About doing it everyday, even when you don't want to? It's a cliche for a reason. It's been repeated over and over because it's a mantra that works. The more you practice finding it, looking within rather than seeking outward, the easier it is to find it.

All it takes is a spark. That one person that we know that makes us feel the magic, feel the sparkle, sing with the vibrations. Just a spark - whether it's from a sound or phrase, in another person, or in a conversation with yourself,

"I survived because the fire inside of me burned brighter than the fire around me".

But in all the shit that was the last year, there was one thing that I learned: the best space to look for inspiration is from within. I used to think that there is a limit to how deep I could delve into myself because in my 22 years, I'd only seen so much, read so much, travelled so much, experienced so much. But that's not true. Within our minds and our selves intertwining with the universe, we are the there perpetually to grow and discover deep within ourselves and that's how we find ourselves.

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