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How to Survive the Zombie Apocalypse

The fact that Trump is now the President of the United States shows just how insane our world is. The fact that power outages, droughts, bombings, assaults, and freakin' ISIS are now considered "normal" to the point where they don't even shock us, feels a lot like a dystopia for me. We even had "killer clowns"... how is that part of reality?! If that doesn't scream apocalypse, I don't know what does.

Every Walking Dead fan knows that you gotta travel light, and because my boyfriend indulges my own personal brand of crazy, this is a common topic of conversation.

So whether you're prepping for the zombie apocalypse, the end of times, or just want to be prepared if there's a freak storm or power outage, here are my top 10 things I'd suggest getting, to prepare for the inevitable end of the world.

1) A backpack: because you need to keep all your shit somewhere. A purse isn't practical and fanny packs aren't big enough.

2) Poncho: The most fashionable of all clothing, I know. But if you're on the go and it starts raining, you'll be glad you don't have to stay in cold, damp clothes.

3) Water bottle with filter: we can survive over a week without food, but only a few days without water. But not all water is clean to drink. The thirst is so real. Try to find a collapsable bottle. It's lighter and takes up less precious space in your bag.

4) Protein bars: Proteins and sugars to keep you fuelled while you're on the run. Not ideal for food, but it might be the best that you can do. Portable and filling, it should be enough to hold you over for a little while.

5) Flashlight: Preferably one that doesn't require batteries. Fires are a hazard, can give away your location, and what if it's wet and rainy? Hand cranked flashlights are easy to turn off, mobile, and should be lightweight enough to carry in your backpack.

6) First aid kit: band-aids, bandage wraps, alcohol wipes, cough medicine, allergy meds, antibiotics, pain killers... Patch yourself up and stop an infection before it happens (zombie viruses spread fast enough without you spreading it to others).

7) Reflective thermal blanket: these are lightweight, keep you warm, can be folded into a tiny pack, and the reflectiveness can be used as a call beacon (though if we're fending off zombies, I don't know what kind of big shot you have to be to have someone airlift you outta there).

8) Duct tape: cheap, easy to carry; great for patching things up: your bag, torn shirts, or even a gash on your leg. Our silver friend is very versatile.

9) Waterproof storage: Let's be real here - chances are, zombie apocalypse = bye bye internet/cell phones/chargers, etc. But you'll still want to keep momentos, tokens of better times. Keep precious photos in a waterproof container so you won't have to worry about rain ruining them.

10) Toothbrush + toothpaste: ok so technically two things here, but they work together. Oral hygiene is important; can't expect to survive when you have no teeth to chew your food.

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