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Why the first time matters

Whether it's a new book, an album, or visiting a new place, the first time matters. Because there is only one "first time". Yeah, yeah I know, there is only one "second time" and one "third time", but I'm sure we can all agree that the first is what matters.

Perhaps it's the Law of Diminishing Returns. Maybe it's distractions. Does it matter?

The first time is always magic. And if you've managed to find the right spark, it's a memory. When you find a song or movie or moment that's important, it becomes more than the thing itself. When you discover your favourite song. Your new favourite book. You don't know where to look for it, but you'll know once you find it. These little pieces of magic are hidden everywhere, all around. But we need to pay attention. From the first time we play an album or pick up a new book, you can only experience it for the first time once. So enjoy it with your whole mind, your whole being.

Erica, what the hell are you talking about?

Basically, I've JUST learned that All Time Low has released a new single (ok, so it came out like 3 weeks ago but I've just only found out about it. Yeah I'm a bad fan, I know). But for the first time in what feels like forever, i actually LISTENED to it the first time around (something I wish I'd done with the Ed Sheeran Divide album).

As in, I turned up the music loud enough to drown out the world around me (but not too loud to irritate my ears - you guys know what i'm talking about) and for the next 3 mins and 17 seconds, I'd closed my eyes and listened to it. Watched the colours dance. Let the lyrics sink in. And it's glorious. It's beautiful and it ignited a feeling inside of my chest.

You know that feeling when you're at a concert and the entire ROOM of people all sing along and chant and just go at it with their WHOLE HEARTS? THAT. THAT is the feeling that I got... all while sitting silently in my chair with my eyes closed.

And if that's not magic, I don't know what is.

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