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Dream hair in 30 seconds - INH

I've always wanted to be a Disney princess. Well, kind of. I wanted the disney princess hair without all the other toxic and unrealistic things that go along with the fairytale (but that's another rant for another day). But you know what I"m talking about, right? Disney hair - length, volume, swishing around in the wind and ever so shiny, but sadly real life makes that real hard. I'm looking at you, split ends. But fear not, friends. i have a solution - PONYTAIL EXTENSIONS.

But Erica... aren't extensions really hard to put in? Aren't they expensive? Where do I even get them? Are they good? How do I get the right colour?

Don't worry, I'm here with solutions, not questions. Hold on, my friends. We're gettin' there.

I mean, LOOK at these LUSCIOUS LOCKS! I'm swinging my head around in this INH Brit Ponytail and they weren't wrong when they called this the 30-second dream pony. She is SOFT and LONG and oh the VOLUME! The VOLUME, I tell ya! No using indoor voices now. We don't contain our excitement in this household.

You don't need fancy tools that I don't have. Tie your hair up. Put the clip from the Miya into your pontail. Wrap the velcro around and pin it in place with the 2 included bobbypins. Easier than making pie.

Major Ariana Grande vibes here

Now check out MIYA. She's got that cute crimped look (shoutout to my mom for actually crimping out alllll my hair for the Christmas concert that one time).

She's lighter than Brit, but every bit the length and volume (maybe even a little more volume). I do like that she is lighter though - significantly lighter, which I'm sure you'll notice if you're wearing the ponytail extension all day.

Though tbh, I think I like Brit a little more. She's shinier and has that nice little curl without me stressing about curling anything, which is DOPE.

Caring for them is super easy too. They come in hair nets and satin pouches, so just brush her out before putting her away and brush again before wearing next time. Easy peasy lemon squeezy (check out their FAQ page for more deets). The colour matching was super easy - you can just DM them and photos and they do a colour match for you. I'm Dark Brown and I'd say it's a pretty good match! The Miya was a little lighter but the Brit was a PERFECT match.

Until COVID stresses end, I'll be wearing them around my home, so here are a few more pics of be enjoying my Rapunzel hair ... the easiest (and now my go-to!) hairstyle. 30 seconds for perfect hair - who can say no?

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